Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"I Am So Pregnant Right Now..." (Week 8)

Hello everyone.

I think this blog is going to my head. I put a hit counter on the bottom of the page and I check it occasionally. With this week's post, I will be over 100 hits. Man, I am sooo important. Seriously though, I am really happy that people are reading this and commenting. It makes me happy to talk about this stage of our life and for others to listen. So, thanks.

This week we've seen the return of the Dragon. Let's face it, the Dragon never left. It's moved in, gotten comfortable, and eaten all my food. Jennifer's appetite this week has been...
Let's say ferocious. Her nausea has gone down and her appetite has returned with a vengeance. I'm learning how to eat like a pregnant husband.

For those men out there who don't know what I mean, I'll explain:
Most people will tell you that the husband of the preggo will gain just as much weight (if not more) than his child-bearing counterpart. This is because of the constant balance of starvation and nausea that pregnancy is famous for. She will order a ton of food (because she feels like she's going to starve to death) and eat three bites before pushing it away and fighting off the urge to puke up her guts. When it gets pushed away, it usually ends up in front of the husband. So, he eats it and then eats the leftovers of the next meal (in like 20 min.) and so on.

To combat this, I have decided to order smaller portions on purpose with the full knowledge that I will undoubtedly finish Jenn's food for her. The other day we met some friends at City Bites for lunch and all I got was a measly little sandwich (no chips, side items, anything). I was still hungry when I finished my sandwich and looked over at Jenn who was in the process of pushing the remainder of her baked potato my way. She got her fill, I got my fill and we didn't throw out any food - WIN WIN WIN.

Aside from the hunger, the pregnancy has been pretty quiet. This week was Jenn's big event at the Red Cross, so next week should be a lot slower at work. We had our first ultrasound this week as well. Everything went well with that - the baby was in the right place, Jenn's organs looked okay, and the baby's heartbeat was within the normal range. Here is the picture they took:

According to, "Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. Your baby — about the size of a kidney bean— is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it."

We are flying out to Phoenix for my mother's graduation. She has gotten a Master's Degree in Some Kind of School Administration or something like that. Anyway, good job mom. Also, everyone needs to remember that Mother's Day is this Sunday, so go to Walmart, 7-11, or AutoZone and buy her a mother's day card. It's the thought that counts, right?

Last thing - Jenn said the funniest thing this week and I think it captures how this week has been: "I'm tired, moody, weepy, and starving. I'm SO pregnant right now!"

See you guys next Wednesday, I promise...

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