Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Abigale is amazing. I'm just in love with this kid! She's learning quickly and doing new things all the time. Here are some things that I've been meaning to post! She rolled over for the first time a few weeks ago. Paula and the kids were over and I had just laid Abi down for a nap. Out of no where, Abi just screams like crazy. I ran in there and she was on her belly. She was stuck and she hated it! I rolled her onto her back but it was like she couldn't help but roll directly back onto her belly. Each time screaming. She's rolling over all the time now and she likes her belly a lot more lately. Madalyn will get on the floor and and talk to her. Pretty cute sister time! When Michael is getting ready for work, Abi will usually wake up and be ready for breakfast. After she eats, she falls asleep in our bed. So, every morning, I get to admire her in the soft morning light. I swear, she looks just perfect. She's a very pretty baby anyway, but something about those early mornings...I love them. Abi can use her hands! Michael was hanging out with Abi the other day and they were practicing her grabbing her paci and taking it to her mouth. Now, she does that with everything. You can watch her grab something and then concentrate until it touches her gums. She's so funny when she eats! Most of the time, I can't look at her when she's eating because she will look up at me and smile. She just can't eat and smile at the same time. She will also try to sneak her thumb into her mouth when she's eating. I'll be minding my own business and then hear this loud smacking sound. When I look down she'll have that darn thumb in her mouth. Overall, I think she's a really good baby. She only cries when she's hungry or tired. She yells when she's uncomfortable. Sometimes her arm will be turned funny or her leg is under her and she just gripes at you. I think she might be a mama's girl because no one thinks she's as easy as I do. She always throws a fit in the nursery, and Michael has had many nights when he can't get her to sleep. I like that she's good for me. I feel like we have a special bond or something. We share smiles and laughs. We're friends. She's also friends with Mady. Madalyn is always trying to guess what Abigale needs and takes her toys to play with. Its fun to watch. Two perfect little ladies.

Monday, June 4, 2012

She looks like herself

Abigale is growing so fast! It seems like every second she is getting more grown up and becoming more mature. When she was born, I swear she looked just like Madalyn. Now, more and more she is looking like...herself. Of course there are still some things that the girls do that are mirror images of eachother. Here's some things Abigale does that is just like Mady as a baby: Stretching. Abigale, like Mady, will stick little booty out or point her toes when you get her out of her swing. Grunting. Both girls grunt like a man. Drool. Both my girls drool constantly. No teeth, just slober. Like I said...she is becoming her own person. For instance, when she's in the bath, she holds her knees up to her chest to avoid the water. Mady would splash like crazy. She prefers to fall asleep in her bed instead of being held. She smiles and laughs at EVERYTHING! Its so cute and wonderful. She's always chewing on her fingers. Its just great. Having these two girls is amazing. Abigale is working on rolling over and looking cutier all the time. Heres a picture of her in a silly hat.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Little Miss Abigale

I was just looking over some older posts and really enjoying remembering some of the things I forgot about Madalyn as a baby. Why am I not blogging Abigale???!!! Well, I'm going to start. Lets start with...I love this kid. She is so sweet and fun. We had a rocky beginning. It seems like when we got her home, I just didn't understand her schedule. After about a month, though, we began clicking. She was sleeping better and at predictable times and she was starting to smile. A good smile on a rough day just makes bad moods disappear. Now, Abigale is three months old. She is sleeping in her bed at night. she will usually sleep from around 9pm (or earlier)until around 7am. Then, she'll go back to sleep for another two or three hours. She's awesome. :) Here are some more awesome things about Abigale: -She loves to smile. One person that can ALWAYS make her smile is her dad. Madalyn gets her fair share of smiles too. -She hates to have her nose cleaned by that green sucker thing. I hate doing it too. Gross. -Everyone wants to hold the little cutie. She has many fans at church. -She's starting to grab things! -She likes a good butt-pat. Helps her calm down. -She can fall asleep on her own. All this to say, I love my little Abigale. Its weird, since she's been around, I love my little Madalyn more too. I'm just pretty happy with our little family. Will write more later!!!