Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catch Up

Okay, we're going to give this a try...this is Jennifer. Michael has decided that he can't do the blog I'm going to try to keep it updated. Hopefully I will be more faithful than Michael, but we'll see. I will warn you that this will not be funny. I just don't have the humor that Michael does. He's better...lets just establish that right away. 

To catch everyone up, Madalyn was born November 25th and has been consistently more awesome every day. The first few weeks were pretty fun. Michael stayed home with us the first three weeks (we thought he was only going to stay home two weeks but Thanksgiving made it possible for him to be home three...I was very grateful).  Our routine was pretty simple. Madalyn ate every two hours but would stretch her eating time to every three hours at night. At around 5:00 am she would get angry and we would take her to Vivian, my WONDERFUL mother-in-law, and we would get more sleep. We would usually get up around 9:30 or 10:00 (thanks to Vivian), and then we would hold Madalyn as much as we could. 

She did the normal cute things that you would expect from a newborn. She would fall asleep on Michael's chest with her arms around him, like she was hugging him. She would hiccup and make cute little baby noises...but she did other things that you wouldn't expect from such a small and beautiful little baby. For starters...this kid has got GAS! Some people think its cute when a baby 'poots'. There is no 'poot' about this little girl! She lets it rip! It sounds like what you would expect from a grown man but it comes from a small child. And when she burps you can't help but check to make sure nothing came up with it. Its pretty powerful. And oh, the's the story. We're giving Madalyn her first bath at home. She's looking all cute and naked, we let the innocence fool us. As Michael is holding her so we can wash her adorable hair, she squirts...thats right, squirts...a horrible mustard colored mess all over us. I'm all for thinking that my kid is cute, but this was not one of those moments that you capture on film and think fondly of years later...this was nasty!  

She also got the nickname 'Pirate' in her first few weeks. She was constantly grunting and would open only one eye at at time. It was pretty funny. 

Madalyn is now 2 months old and is changing every day. Bath times have become more tame. She loves to sit in her little tub and kick her feet. She also loves to hang out in her swing. It has a colorful mobile that includes a frog, toucan and a monkey. It spins above her as jungle music plays. She will just sit and watch those animals spin. I like to think the swing is teaching her to love music and color, but I'm also happy she likes to sit in it while I clean or cook dinner.  

The most exciting development has been her smile. On January 3rd (a Saturday morning) she was hanging out with Michael in our bedroom and she smiled at him. I missed it! I was so disappointed. Later that day my mom came over and held Madalyn while I was in the shower. As soon as I got out of the shower my mom asked , "When did she start smiling?". I was so mad. Just the joy in moms voice verified that my child had the cutest smile on Earth and I had missed it again. The worst part was that she would NOT smile for me! I'm her mother. I carried her in my womb for nine months, I gave up Starbucks for her, I started eating healthy, I went through 14 hours of labor for her...all of that and she wouldn't even give me a small grin! Well, later that weekend I got my smile and now she smiles all the time. Usually she's at her 'smiliest' in the morning or when she's looking at her daddy. (I think she likes Michael's green eyes...she's a big fan of bright colors.)

She also loves to stretch and talk. She is always singing along with me or carrying on a conversation. She, apparently, has a lot to say. 

I think that is all for now. I could talk about Madalyn for hours but I will try to limit it! Hopefully I will write again next week!

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