Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hi Pa...

Last weekend we took a quick trip to Red Oak where Mady got to do one of her favorite things...hang out with Ma and Pa (Michael's grandparents for those of you outside of the family). I'm pretty sure she loves everything about them and thier house.

In past visits, she has played outside, which she LOVES. She spends her time sitting in rocks and dirt and moving them from one area to the next. We're not really sure why these rocks need moved, but its very important to Mady that they not stay where they are. I think she spent a solid hour moving rocks during our visit in May. Ma also has decorative rocks inside. Mady will move them to different places in the house too. I told her it was good that she had a skill and she just laughed to herself.

Also in May, and to Mady's delight, Michael unpacked a weedeater and left a nice big box for Mady to play with. Michael and I walked into the house this weekend after Mady had been there playing with Ma, and there was the box. Mady had moved in...all of her toys were sitting in it like decorations in a living room.

Other wonders at Ma and Pa's house include a drawer full of plastic containers. Mady will open the drawer, choose a container apparently based on a very strategic plan, and then bring it to me to open... 'Opeee peas' was my que. After the container was open, she would then exclaim with much excitement, 'icsh screem'. "Thats right Mady, ice cream, yummm!" Then everyone would take turnes eating the imaginary ice cream from the container.

She also loves the grandfather clock. Months ago when it would chime, she would run to it and say, 'cluck, cluck, cluck'. Now, its a little more recognizable as 'clock'. Her talking has really improved the last few weeks. I think she thrilled Pa when he walked in this weekend. She said very clearly, "Hi Pa". He nearly squeeled.

She really enjoys her time at Ma and Pa's. She helps Ma cook, sits on the window seal and has learned to open all the doors in the house. Its perfect.

Last night Mady wanted another Garner Dance Party. So, after dinner she came up to me and Michael and said, "Dance". Michael turned up the music and we all danced. This time, Mady wanted us to dance a certain way. Every 10 seconds or so, she would throw herself onto the floor and put her legs in the air...of course Mom and Dad needed to do the same thing! If we took too long to get up and start dancing again, Madalyn would try to pick us up and say, "Sta Up". After about the 15th time pulling ourselves off the floor, we were a little tired. But it was so much fun. Its so interesting to see what she comes up with in her cute little head.

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