I know! I know! I haven't written in forever! I got to the point where I hadn't written in so long that I didn't know how to catch up. But, tonight...Mady said 'I love you' for the first time! I was taking a shower and Michael was getting Mady ready for bed. He brought her in (she was in her I <3 Hot CoCo pajamas) and she said it! I just knew that I would want to remember that moment forever so I had to write it down.
Mady has been talking so much lately. We can't understand half of what she's saying but the part that we can understand is really coming along. She says: shapes, hi, bye bye, bite, more, juice, no, diaper...and much more.
I know there is a lot more that I should write but I have zero attention span tonight. I'll try to write more soon!