Mady is growing so fast and seems to be mastering a new skill every week. This week she has discovered throwing. She throws blocks, pacifiers, dog toys, food...if you hand it to her expect her to throw it. She received a bouncy ball in a goodie bag from Lexi's birthday party, the next day she would throw it across the living room and giggle to herself. Lately her giggle has been low and from her belly. Her giggle makes me giggle.
Last week she figured out how to make huge messes. Thanks to my Granny Wanda for giving her a huge box of legos (the big ones). She dumps those things out of their box and then makes sure they are coving every inch of the living room floor. She's also discovered certain toys that mommy keeps under the bathroom cabinet...feminine products. So, mixed in with the blocks are pads and tampons. Nice. Silly me for thinking I would get my privacy back after the birth experience. Now she shares my personal belongings with anyone who walks in the door.
There are still some things that she hasn't mastered. For instance climbing...she can get off of the bed and couch really well but struggles, thank goodness, with getting into chairs and on top of larger toys. So here's how it goes: pick Mady Mady squirm feet first off of the couch...listen to Mady grunt while she reaches for you to pick her up and put her back on the couch. And Michael thinks I need to go to the gym to lift weights...I've got my own kind of weights system.
Singing and dancing are another thing we are improving on. She loves to dance and is dabbling in singing. And, on a rare occasion, will do both at the same time. Usually her singing is quiet, if it has any sound at all. Sometimes its just her whispering, 'Bob, bob, bob'. We'll get there. We are also working on our animals. Everyday we read 'Spot's Animal Friends' and watch 'Baby MacDonald' (Which we stole from Target by the way. It was under Mady in the basket and I discovered it as I was loading the car. I paid for it the next time we went to the store so no judging me!) So, today, when we went to storytime, I was thrilled that the theme was 'Farm Animals'. We are destined to learn that a cow says 'Moo'!
Other things Mady wants to learn:
-How to use a computer (note the picture above)
-How to ride a bike (also pictured)
-How to go to sleep on her own (well, mom wants her to learn this one, she's been giving me fits every time its nap or bed time. Grrr...I depend on nap time...without it I get very grumpy, and so does Mady. Bad combination.)
-How to cover her sippy cup with noodles (She was trying last night...pretty funny. It looked like a mummy with strips of noodle here and there.)
-How to eat noodles.
-How to get Dakota to play with her
-How to get certain kitchen cabinets open. With the ones that have locks on them, she opens them as far as she can and then peeks inside.
Other things Mady is able to do quite well:
-Get on the internet on Mom's phone
-Destroy a stack of newly folded laundry while Mom types a blog
-Put on necklaces
-Turn on her loudest toys...thanks ball popper and dancing kangaroo
-Throw a fit when Mom takes something away
-Tear apart magazines
-Take off her socks
-Lose one ponytail holder on the way to Chic-Fil-A (so we only have one pigtail when we get there)
Even now she's learning...she just found a bib and put it on backwards like a cape. I love her so much!